A Fearsome Future – But the Lord is Present

As part of the Welcome to My World challenge, I am first answering this week’s question:

What NEW thing have you learned this last week?

As I contunue this series of studies I am learning new things each week.

You will notice that this week for the first time the image below also appears on my facebook notification thanks to advice of  Shirl, my editor.

Habakkuk 1:7 CEV

‘How fearsome and frightening. Their only laws and rules are the ones they make up.’

People, Cover, Cry, Desperate

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

God’s Fearsome Message

As we saw last session, the Lord’s response to Habakkuk was that He intended to punish the people of Judah and He would be using the Chaldeans to do it. This was a surprise to the people as well as to Habakkuk. Surprised because the Chaldeans (Babylonians) were a wicked people who worshiped false gods. Why would God use such people to discipline His people?

They were notorious for their violence, their vast numbers, the bravery of their army and the overwhelming victories they had gained. The mere mention of their name spread terror wherever they went.

  • Are there circumstances that have thrown you into a state of terror? What are they?
  • What about those circumstances causes you the greatest concern?

When we find ourselves confronted by fearful concerns we need to remember Jehovah-Shammah, ‘the Lord is present’.

Despite the fearful things which may seem to lie ahead of us in the future we are reminded of Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is present. Share on X

A Fearsome Enemy

These pagan Chaldeans certainly would not be guided by the laws of God, but instead by their own precepts. Therefore they would act according to their desires and pleasure. The Judaens knew that no one would be able to successfully oppose them. They could expect no mercy or pity from such a lawless and arrogant enemy.

The mere sight of the Chaldean army advancing brought feelings of apprehension and fear to both the prophet and the people of Judah.

  • What do you fear most as a Christian?

The cause of our apprehension and fear is often an unseen enemy, like the COVID-19 virus which we may contract with no initial obvious symptoms. And then suddenly, unexpectedly, we may display symptoms of the virus and become extremely ill.

  • What do you fear most about this Covid-19 pandemic?

Who Causes Us to Feel Fear?

The bad news that whilst Judah had a visual enemy, we all also face an unseen adversary: Satan. He attacks us through our minds, focussing in on the unexpected circumstances of life. He is quick to prompt us to say and act in ways which do not glorify our Lord. Furthermore, he lures us through enticing prospects so we may find it all too easy to fall into temptation and sin.

Praise the Lord—the good news is, our enemy is a defeated foe, defeated at Calvary.

Paul reminds us that, “In him (Christ) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” (Ephesians 1:7 ESV)

Confidence for Those who feel Afraid

By contrast to Habakkuk’s fearsome message for Judah in the above verse, the prophet Isaiah brings the following positive assurance.  “Tell fearful souls, Courage! Take heart! GOD is here, right here, on his way to put things right And redress all wrongs. He’s on his way! He’ll save you!” (Isaiah 35:4 MSG)

  • In these days of Covid-19 many are fearsome of what the future may hold, how can we come alongside and give them hope for the future?

Please spend some time now praying for anyone known to you who is facing a fearsome future.

P.S. If you haven’t yet read the background to the prophecy, please do. It will benefit you throughout our time together

Silence is Broken – God Shares a Way

***What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? ***

What a lovely day. Thank you Lord, for the soft gentle showers during the night.

Did you expect something amazing to happen today? Habakkuk did . . .

Habakkuk 1:5 CEV

‘Look and be amazed at what’s happening among the nations! Even if you were told,

you would never believe what’s taking place now.’


The way God breaks the silence.

In response to Habakkuk’s questioning and confusion, God broke His silence, informing him that He was aware of Judah’s sin. Instead of bringing about a renewal in Judah He was sending the “feared and dreaded” Babylonians to exercise His judgment on His people (verse 7).

Charles Swindoll commented, ‘It reminds us that while God may seem silent and uninvolved in our world, He always has a plan to deal with evil and always works out justice . . . eventually.’ (The Bible Teaching ministry of Pastor Chuck Swindoll)

Up until this point in the prophecy Habakkuk had been complaining to God. Here we find God providing an answer to Habakkuk. God will certainly take care of this situation during Habakkuk’s lifetime. He would actually use a pagan nation to punish His people.

  • How do you feel about God using non-believers to discipline His children?
  • Can you think of an occasion when a non-believer responded to some ungodly word or action of yours?
  • How do you respond when a non-believer comments, “I would never have expected that of a Christian.”?

Prayer is often a risky business, God sometimes tells us things that we don’t really want to hear.

'While God may seem silent and uninvolved in our world, He always has a plan.' Charles Swindoll Share on X

God’s way

A preacher once said, ‘He who asks God for light must not complain if the light scorches at times with its fierce and naked heat, and he who asks for guidance must not be surprised if God points him to paths he would rather not tread.’” (Quoted by Sara Maxwell in ‘God Answers’ 2nd June 2013)

God’s ways are certainly not our ways, nor His thoughts as our thoughts, but be assured His ways produce the best possible results.

  • Are you ready to accept the method that God may use to answer your prayers?

God’s way ahead for the nation, for your congregation, for you and I personally, may not be our choice, may not be the easiest way, but it certainly will prove to ultimately be the best way.

  • Are you really ready for God’s answer?
  • What response from God do you fear the most?
    • No answer?
    • Wait a while?
    • Be patient the answer is on the way?
    • Or the guidance to do something that you are afraid of doing?

God knows the best way

Although God’s answer may not be what we had hoped for we can take comfort in the fact that God knows what is best for us and He promises to prosper us in the end.

Eugene Peterson has these words of encouragement, “It pays to take life seriously; things work out when you trust in GOD.” (Proverbs 16:20 MSG)

Very good advice from The Message. Keep trusting even though God’s answer may be unexpected and seem strange.

Share with me how you feel about waiting for God’s answer. What would you like to say to Him, or how can I pray for you? Please leave a comment below.

If you haven’t yet read the background to the prophecy, please do. It will benefit you throughout our time together.


Sounds of Silence – Unanswered Prayer

Silent Seas – oil painting by Rob Corder 2008

Habakkuk 1:2- 4

“How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.”

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A Desperate Cry – and Many Questions

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Habakkuk 1:1-3 CEV

‘I am Habakkuk the prophet. And this is the message that the LORD gave me. Our LORD, how long must I beg for your help before you listen? How long before you save us from all this violence? Why do you make me watch such terrible injustice? Why do you allow violence, lawlessness, crime, and cruelty to spread everywhere? Laws cannot be enforced; justice is always the loser; criminals crowd out honest people and twist the laws around.’ 

read more

Help! Panic Begins – Where’s the Bridge?

Panic Begins

Habakkuk 1:1-3 (NIrV)

‘This is a vision the prophet Habakkuk received from the LORD. Here is what Habakkuk said.

“LORD, how long do I have to call out for help?

Why don’t you listen to me?

How long must I keep telling you that things are terrible?

Why don’t you save us?

Why do you make me watch while people treat others so unfairly?

Why do you put up with the wrong things they are doing?

I have to look at death.

People are harming others. They are arguing and fighting all the time.”‘

For Habakkuk the future looked ominous, he couldn’t understand why God was not intervening.


Pastor Chip Ingram is on record as saying, ‘Christians are like teabags. You never know what kind you are until you are in hot water.’ (Pastor Ralph Browne “Chip” Ingram Il.)

  • What sort of hot water have you been in recently? 
  • Can you recall a time in your life that would endorse Chip’s comment? 
  • How do you usually react when life throws you into a state of unexpected confusion? 
  • When things get too hot around you, how can you best control your reactions? 

Approaching panic

A little girl was taking a long train journey. As she looked out the window, ahead she saw a frightening stretch of water. How would the train ever get them across to the other side? She squeezed her eyes shut in terror as the train wheels thundered closer to the river.

When she next looked, she discovered they were on the other side. A few minutes later, to her horror, she saw another rushing stretch of water ahead. Not again!

Once more, she squeezed her eyes shut. Once more, when she opened her eyes, the train had crossed to the other side.

Throughout the course of the day, her train crossed a number of rivers. Each time she saw the water ahead she felt just a little less anxious, but as long as she closed her eyes, the train made it safely to the other side. She couldn’t understand how they would be able to cross the river.

Eventually, she became brave. Nervously, she kept her eyes open as they drew near to the next river. She had to see how the train managed this amazing feat.

Suddenly, a large metal bridge appeared and the train roared across without a break in its speed. This happened several times.

Finally, the child leaned back with a sigh of relief and confidence: “Somebody has put bridges for us all the way.” (Adapted from American Messenger,1922)


Bridge at Victoria Falls – Oil painting by Rob Corder 2004

  • Are you facing a situation where you are terrified of what’s ahead? 
    • an interview?
    • a disciplinary hearing?
    • an upcoming confrontation?
    • a court appearance?
    • a crumbling marriage?
    • failing health – your own or your partner’s . . . ?

No Sign of a Bridge!

Now is when you need to close your eyes—not in terror, but in prayer. You have no idea how your train is going to cross this terrible obstacle, but place your faith in the One who has built a bridge for you to cross over. 

The crisis may have taken you by surprise. Let’s face it. Not one person saw what was looming ahead in 2020! But God did. He is never taken by surprise. He knows what’s coming, and He’s already built a bridge. We just need to trust. 

From the questions Habakkuk was firing at God, we can see he was confused and frustrated. He couldn’t understand God’s seeming failure to take action in the face of all the violence and destruction directed against the Jews. There didn’t seem to be any way the nation could survive this impossible situation. They had a river to cross – but no bridge.

Haven’t we asked similar questions during the height of the Coronavirus pandemic?

  • Will we survive?
  • Is the vaccine a bridge?
  • Should I take it now, or wait until it’s had a chance to prove its effectiveness?
  • Will it work against the variants recently discovered in my country?
  • Is there another way to overcome this virus?

Although the prophet was confused and panicked, God was ahead of him. He had already made a plan. But Habakkuk had to wait for God to show him. We’ll learn more about those plans in future sessions. In the meantime, let’s hold onto this truth.

We may be aware of raging rivers ahead of us. But God has a plan. He’s already built bridges for us—we have to sit tight and wait for that plan.

What bridge has God created for you in your current situation? Read Pastor Rob's blog. Please RT. Share on X

Looking for a bridge

  • Can you think of a bridge that God provided to enable you to overcome a difficult situation in your past?
  • Are you looking at a raging river right now? What proof can you think of that Someone has gone ahead of you and built a bridge? 
  • Close your eyes and give thanks.

Finish our time together as you quietly listen to this beautiful song by Don Moen. If you know the melody, join in and sing along. Click on the link below:

God will make a way!


Background Information

From the beginning

Why? Why? Why? – Does God really care?


If you haven’t yet read the background to the prophesy, please do. It will benefit you throughout our time together.

Habakkuk 1:1-3

“I am Habakkuk the prophet. And this is the message that the LORD gave me. Our LORD, how long must I beg for your help before you listen? How long before you save us from all this violence? Why do you make me watch such terrible injustice? Why do you allow violence, lawlessness, crime, and cruelty to spread everywhere? ”  CEV.

The people of Judah had failed to obey God’s laws. Habakkuk did not understand why God did nothing to make them fall in line. (Habakkuk 1:2-4.) He was confused and frustrated because of God’s seeming failure to take action in the face of all the evil practices and idolatry the Jews were involved in. God, how could you allow this to happen? read more

A World Gone Mad – Questions for God

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Before starting on this series, have you read “the background”?

Habakkuk 1:1-3:

‘The prophecy that Habakkuk the prophet received. How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save?  Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds.’ 

  • ‘Why did God allow that to happen?’
  • ‘Why didn’t God intervene?’
  • Have you ever asked these questions?

read more